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A Happy Life Begins with Fitness

Jun. 23, 2022

A strong physique begins with exercise, and a happy life begins with health.

A Happy Life Begins with Fitness

The World Health Organization's definition of health: "Health is a state of physical and mental perfection, as well as good adaptability, not just a state free of disease and weakness."

This is what people refer to as physical and mental health, that is to say, a person is completely healthy in four aspects: physical health, mental health, good social adaptation, and moral health.


The pursuit of the physical, mental and material happiness of all employees is an important mission that Docod Group has always adhered to.

A good physique is the key to a happy life. In order to promote employees' health and well-being, the company specially organizes employees to exercise for ten minutes a day.

A Happy Life Begins with Fitness

A Happy Life Begins with Fitness

A Happy Life Begins with Fitness

A Happy Life Begins with Fitness


Health is everyone's most valuable asset. Staying healthy means being responsible for yourself, for your family, and for a better future life.

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